Become Aware Of The Impacts Of Fast Fashion
Thanks to the power of the internet, we now have the ability to shop whenever we like, from wherever we like with this amazing invention. But what I love is that our clients have become more mindful of what this convenience is doing to the industry, as well as our planet.
Most people are becoming more aware of the detrimental effects of extreme plastics usage and the requirement for eco-conscious fabrics and clothes that are ethically made, which is the number one value of Cazinc The Label and we put to the value of our success in the industry.
It is really encouraging to see these environmental concerns being recognised, world wide and especially here in Australia. But what we are still witnessing is the consumer’s desire for cheaper, faster alternatives and duplicates that are not only killing the retail industry, but polluting our planet. In the past decade, products have been designed, developed and sold faster than ever before, to the detriment of so many. Items are not made to last and sold to wear a handful of times before ending up in landfill.
Fast fashion comes at high social and environmental costs.
The industry is responsible for high carbon emissions, wastewater production, and large amounts of landfill waste.
Fast fashion is second only to oil as the world’s largest polluter.
The fast fashion industry is responsible for producing 20% of global wastewater.
Unfortunately, it’s not a unique scenario. Other garment factories have caught fire or collapsed causing deaths to workers. We must address this ongoing issue.
And not only this, but what about unethical manufacturing?
The social costs are equally high. Unsafe working conditions are common. Garment factory workers often work extremely long hours with minimal pay. In addition, cases of mental, physical, and sexual abuse are frequent. All so we can buy the cheap fashion online.
Dangerous working conditions exist for garment workers in the fast fashion industry.
Hazardous substances and unsafe production processes expose workers to dangerous conditions. Safety systems are limited or non-existent.
A sweatshop is a manufacturing facility where workers endure poor working conditions, long hours, low wages and other violations of labour rights. Unfortunately, places known as sweatshops are particularly common in developing countries where labour laws are often not enforced.
Factories can be located in dangerous and deteriorating buildings that are unsafe places to work. Other issues of concern are workers with exposure to toxic substances or using hazardous machinery without adequate protection.
The Guardian states that child labour is a particular issue for fashion because much of the supply chain requires low-skilled labour and some tasks are even better suited to children than adults. In cotton picking, employers prefer to hire children for their small fingers, which do not damage the crop.
Does anyone remember the 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza in Bangladesh? The collapse killed more than 1100 workers. This was the world’s largest industrial disaster since 1984.
In 2015, Netflix released a documentary “The True Cost” which gives an insight into the industry, appalling practices that go on behind the scenes and the real effects of what happens when you shop fast fashion.
What can you do to reduce your own impact on the industry and the environment?
Shop from ethical and eco-conscious labels like Cazinc The Label, where we promote to buy quality over quantity and produce timeless pieces you can wear season after season. Shop for what suits you, your body shape, your lifestyle and budget.
Before you buy, look in your wardrobe to see what you already have. Conduct a wardrobe audit to see what you still wear and what you can pass onto others, on-sell or donate to charity. Once your wardrobe is back in shape, you can now look to see what is missing from the items you need and then go shopping with a list.
Read 5 Rules To A Better Wardrobe.
Buy timeless items that are stylish, not fashion. Items that will last and you will love for years.
What can you do to reduce your own impact on the industry and the environment?
Shop from ethical and eco conscious labels like Cazinc The Label, where we promote to buy quality over quantity and produce timeless pieces you can wear season after season. Shop for what suits you, your body shape, your lifestyle and budget.
Before you buy, look in your wardrobe to see what you already have. Conduct a wardrobe audit to see what you still wear and what you can pass onto others, on sell or donate to charity. Once your wardrobe is back in shape, you can now look to see what is missing from the items you need and then go shopping with a list.
Read 5 Rules To A Better Wardrobe.
Buy timeless items that are stylish, not fashion. Items that will last and you will love for years.